A History of Friends
A History of Friends
As advocates for Fellows Riverside Gardens, we seek not only to educate our members and the community about the Gardens that we support, but also about the world of horticulture in general. In an effort to achieve this goal, FFRG has begun a multi-faceted education project which we hope will prove useful to a wide audience. Below you will find a curated selection of valuable information on many aspects of gardening and nature, as well as a look into the wondrous collection of plant-life on display at Fellows.
As advocates for Fellows Riverside Gardens, we seek not only to educate our members and the community about the Gardens that we support, but also about the world of horticulture in general. In an effort to achieve this goal, FFRG has begun a multi-faceted education project which we hope will prove useful to a wide audience. Below you will find a curated selection of valuable information on many aspects of gardening and nature, as well as a look into the wondrous collection of plant-life on display at Fellows.
Spring Lecture: The Art of Pruning Perennials Revisited
Are you new to the art of pruning perennials or could your pruning skills use sharpening? Then join internationally renowned Tracy DiSabato- Aust for the first time, or for a refresher lesson about the exciting and innovative techniques of pruning perennials.